Friday, April 25, 2008

The tie that binds...

Did I ever tell you that I hate, HATE cancer!!!! My friend's mom died early this morning of breast cancer and I am so sad for her. When I found out that my mom was diagnosed with this dreaded disease, I actually turned to this friend for comfort. She had gone through the horrible process of digesting the news about her mom and we kind of bonded over the experience of our moms being sick. That's sounds awful saying, but people don't totally understand unless they have gone through it, the process of losing a parent...and especially one that you are very close to. Watching and listening to my friend go through the motions of letting her mom go, has triggered some sad memories. The waiting is the hardest part. Telling your mom "It's okay. I'll be alright. You don't have to fight anymore. Go be with God." I held my mom's hand as she drew her last breath and smiled. Gosh, it's hard.

Anyways, my friend is also in the midst of planning her wedding. This situation made me think of my own relationship with my husband. Thank goodness I had him to support me through all the madness. We were married such a short a time before my mom got sick, that I even told him the other night that I don't even remember a normal night,beforehand, of us just being happy and going to bed without any worries. We've had a lot of drama during our almost three years of marriage. I'm so glad that my friend will have a support system like I did. Someone to just hold her and let her cry. I'm glad her mom knows that she will be taken care of.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

It's just a flip flop

I have a new 9 week year old puppy. My husband and I named him Henri (with an "i"), but his name was actually inspired by King Henry. I've actually been reading a lot about English History, so the name just came to me instantly. The spelling we chose just seemed more "puppy-like." We thought we had been doing really well crate training him. He's been a good dog, more than a bad dog, doing his business, but today we had to get a little strict. We had to put him in time-out twice in the bathroom. Once for doing #2 in the corner of the living room and then also for destroying my most favorite flip flop. I know, I know, puppies tear up things and we all know that dogs love to bite on shoes. It's my fault for leaving them out, but it was out of shear laziness because I need quick shoes to let him out all the time. But these flip flops are special. I got those flip flops on one of the last shopping trips my mom and I ever took together. I remember her every time I slip them on because she wanted to buy the matching purse, but thought it was crazy because she knew she had medical bills. I tried urging her to buy it because if it made her feel good...why not? If you have to put yourself through chemotherapy, you deserve a break. Note to self...they are only flip flops, but it just made me miss her today. I admit I shed a small tear, and then went and hugged my puppy. Henri is still a cool pup.